Monday, March 16, 2009

LaHood = hope for the DOT? (and other Bici News)

Another Monday night, another Bici Board meeting. Tonight we had tacos and really fleshed out our mission statement, as well as planned some exciting fundraisers and events. Stay tuned for news on those.

As part of our focus on advocacy and education, we are trying to stay abreast of all the national and local news pertaining to bicycling, alternative transportation, safety and the like. Today I saw this and was really excited, so I wanted to share it.

Ray LaHood, the new Secretary of Transportation, has a website and blog that he posts to, Welcome to the Fast Lane. So far I have been impressed by LaHood, from his declaration at The National Bike Summit that "You have a full partner at the DOT" to his decision to have officials study the European models of cities.

Today however, I was most impressed. I read the March 13 entry to Welcome to the Fast Lane, entitled "Cyclists are important users of transportation systems "

"On Wednesday, I had the pleasure of addressing the National Bike Summit. I was invited to speak as a member of the Obama administration, but I have been a supporter of bicycling for many years and was a member of the Congressional Bike Caucus when I was in Congress.

Still, I don't think the League of American Bicyclists knew what to expect when they invited me to their summit.

I hope they were pleasantly surprised because I am committed to investing in programs that encourage bikes to coexist with other modes and to safely share our roads and bridges. And there’s strong support in Congress for these goals as well.

In the Department of Transportation, bicyclists have a full partner in working toward livable communities. We're excited that the Federal Highway Administration is looking at best practices in Europe to improve safety and mobility for walkers and cyclists. We're excited that a federally funded pilot project to study the effects of improved walking and bicycling facilities in four communities is underway. I think I conveyed that excitement to the summit, judging by the early response (,

I welcome the vigor of the bicycling community in advocating for bike-friendly measures in the upcoming authorization bill, CLEAN-TEA. Bicycles are a critical part of a cleaner, greener future in American transportation, so keep those wheels spinning."

Let's hope he is a man of his word. It is time for a change in this country and LaHood seems to be on track.

bike love

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