Thursday, March 12, 2009

Complete Streets Act of 2009

A Complete Streets Act has been introduced in the House and Senate (HR1443). This is huge for cyclists and pedestrians and much needed in our country.

What would this do? ensure that all users of the transportation system, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, children, older individuals, and individuals with disabilities, are able to travel safely and conveniently on and across federally funded streets and highways.
(taken directly from HR1443)

Birmingham has an alarming poverty rate, and I see people everyday riding bike on unsafe roads (Crestwood Blvd for example), just trying to get to work or home. The Complete streets Act of 2009 would ensure that these people could use cycling as the safe, reliable transportation that it is, without fear or ridicule.

go here and send a letter to your representatives and senator urging them to co-sponsor the Act. This is too good to let pass us by. Imagine-Complete streets as a government policy. I almost can't believe it. The new blood in Washington seems to truly be behind alternative transportation, as seen by this and the National Bike Summit 2009. There is hope now more than ever.

bike love!

(if you can't get to links here, PLEASE send me a message and I will email them to you. This is so important!)

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